When working with documents, such as receipts, vouchers, slips, memos, purchase orders, and transfer orders, several additional fields become available. These fields start off with the word “DOC” and mean that the information pertains to the current document only and not the inventory.

For example: the DOC PRICE field stores the item price for the specific document on which the item is listed. The DOC PRICE can be different from the price in the inventory.

The following table lists the Document Fields found on Retail Pro documents.

Field Description
Doc Price The item price for the current document.
Doc Price with Tax The item price with tax for the current document.
Doc Cost The item cost for the current document.
Doc Qty The item quantity for the current document.
Doc Mrg % The item margin % for the current document.
Doc Mrg with Tax The item margin with tax for the current document.
Doc MkUp % The item markup percentage for the current document.
Doc Coefficient % The item coefficient for the current document.
Doc Tax $ The item tax amount for the current document.
Doc Case Quantity The item case quantity for the current document.
Doc Discount % The item discount % for the current document.