
Latest Past Events

Free Veterans Day Concert

Pete Carlson's Golf & Tennis 73-741 Hwy 111, Palm Desert

Music will be performed by the 11 Piece Mirage Jazz Band. The Mirage band is: Leader and Trombone - John Leys, Steve Alaniz on Saxophone, Joe Caroura on Saxophone, Gary Bollard on Saxophone, Geoff Winstead on Trumpet, Troy Lombard on Trumpet, Eric Lindstrom / Eric Walters / Jim Watson / John Tedder on Rhythm, and [...]

Veterans Day Concert

Pete Carlson's Golf & Tennis 73-741 Hwy 111, Palm Desert

Come join us for a musical tribute to the veterans of armed forces with the 11 piece Mirage jazz band and VFW color guard at Pete Carlson’s Golf & Tennis back patio. Donations support the local indio VFW post.

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